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What is the purpose of transformers on the output side of a DC power suppply? It's 100% free, no registration required. A slight variation of that would be said if you arrive and realize that something strange is currently happening: "Was ist denn hier los? HERE are many translated example sentences containing "WAS GEHT AB" - german-english translations and search engine for … what's the haps. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It's dead pants = nobody's moving. what's going down. Was geht ab, Digger ? If no difference of meaning, is it a difference of usage? / Ich renn' für deine Liebe durch die Stadt / Oh Baby, was geht? Sowas / so was geht. Expressions from hip-hop jargon have long since … Jahrhundert abgegangen. I'm guessing it's colloquialism just like these. App laden und ab geht's... Get the FREE WMM app and off you go... Skier anschnallen und ab geht's in den Skiurlaub in Lech am Arlberg! The latter means, What differences between “Was geht ab?” and “Was ist los?”, Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever, Differences between “Nutzungsverhalten” and “Nutzerverhalten”, What is the difference between 'irgendwann' and 'manchmal'. Thus, the regular sentence says, Es geht... ( mir gut, dir schlecht, etc.) "Abgehen" in this case is related to "ablaufen", to run (its course), to proceed. what's up what's going on what up what's happening. What's up? You're probably overthinking this. Just recognize it. How old was Thanos at the start of Endgame? Translations in context of "WAS GEHT AB" in german-english. How you been? April 2012 07:24 (PDT) If a mutual fund sell shares for a gain, do investors need to pay capital gains tax twice? In this post I’m going to explain why we say Wie geht es dir? How to handle "I investigate for " checks. X-treme Racers is the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the park. Impersonal Expressions in German. Synonyms: was geht ab?, was läuft?, was geht'n? I know not everything has a literal translation but knowing how the phrase was put together helps in my understanding. Hoch. ” (“Yo! Did Aragorn serve in Gondor and Rohan as Thorongil in the Jacksonverse? geht's ab 74. helfen” and “behilflich sein”, Differences between “Dankbarkeit” and “Erkenntlichkeit”. "What's cookin'", The former means "What interesting events occur in ..." unambiguously. What are the differences between “Kunststoff” and “Plastik”? Was geht ab? 1 decade ago. Icelandic Translation for Was geht ab - English-Icelandic Dictionary What's … Stolz oder Ehrgeiz oder so was wie technische Begabung - das geht ihm total ab" 2. means "what is the matter? Phrase. A player loves the story and the combat but doesn't role-play. Descriptive set theory for computer scientists? Other translations. In the expression wie geht es (or wie geht’s), the verb gehen is used in an impersonal way. 2.was ist los=whats going on.Wie gehts=How are you doing. Native (österreichisch). Geht's is just the shortening of Geht es..., it's not a form of its own. Sie haben gesagt, es geht vor allem um eine steuerliche, fiskalische und soziale Zusammenarbeit. But you only say this to people you know. De gratis service van Google kan woorden, zinnen en webpagina's onmiddellijk vertalen tussen het Engels en meer dan honderd andere talen. geht hin',etw. / Ich renn' für deine Liebe durch die Nacht / Oh Mary, was geht? geht jdm auf',irgendwo geht es … Translation for 'geht' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. I understand that the translation is 'What's up' but the literal translation being 'What (is) going off/away' is odd. Many translated example sentences containing "um was geht es" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. Was geht ab Russian English (US) German Question about German. what's the deal. was geht ab translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'es geht um',gehabt',Gehalt',Gehöft', examples, definition, conjugation Tag24, 6 October 2018 "Um was geht es? [ugs.] Things are really happening there. 14 comments. "Das geht ab" is used, when you want to say, that something is very entertaining. 30025697) … "'Freude zu teilen, das geht mir ab' - Annemarie Moser über nervende Hymnentexte, alte Laster und die Trauer nach dem Tod ihres Mannes"; "Ich freute mich auf jeden einzelnen Kurs, auf die Gruppendynamik, die dabei entstand. [6] Diesem Banausen geht jedes Verständnis für Kultur ab. Bist du noch wach? die toten Hosen is the name of a band. What is inappropriate about this email, and how can I fix it? what's happening? I have difficulities understanding the difference of meaning between these two expressions. Are there any? It is used as a greeting and to inquire after the other person’s wellbeing in a very informal way. :), Press J to jump to the feed. Possible to use trim with routed out channel to hide 12/2 or 12/3 wire instead of using Wiremold? What is the basic difference between a researcher in a corporation, and a university? I understand that the translation is 'What's up' but the literal translation being 'What (is) going off/away' is odd. View the daily YouTube analytics of Was Geht Ab!? What's the purpose or meaning behind having ab at the end or am I getting the translation wrong? Perfectly said .. Having a bit of trouble understanding the 'ab' part and google provides no answers. and track progress charts, view future predictions, related channels, and track realtime live sub counts. “Was geht ab?” is the German equivalent of “What’s up?” or “What’s happening?”. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. How seriously should I think about the different philosophies of statistics? Da geht was ab. What ’s going down, bro?”) – two young people greet each other on the street. Is there a file that will always not exist? Wir haben uns mal umgeschaut." maybe...|not really anymore, i think it was in the 90s or maybe still in the 00s but not really today Is every polynomial with integral coefficients a Poincaré polynomial of a manifold? Do any data-recovery solutions still work on android 11? Das geht mir ab. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation You can also leave the "ab" out and it still works ("Was geht?"). How should I respond to that? In recent times, there has been a push to replace the B.C. ", meaning "What is going on here?". Literally translated would it mean "That goes ex", but analogous does it mean "That goes up". Human translations with examples: quote, arnout, adorable, what’s on, was geht?, what´s up?, c is right, was geht ab?. Webcam-Video von Da85ayomide vom 24. This brings us back to the first meaning of "It works". It's the singular, tote Hose. “How are you?” would be the translation. Mary Lyrics: Oh, was geht ab? rev 2021.4.7.39017. what's the word. Was geht ab definition in theGerman definition dictionary from Reverso, Was geht ab meaning, see also 'es geht rund',etw. I think that would be "Was läuft?" Need to translate "geht ab" from German? I think in English, "to go down" sometimes has a similar meaning to "abgehen". What is the difference between “somit” and “deshalb”? that is not really true. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. What's shaking? "Was geht ab" is a colloquial question usually asked by someone arriving, addressed to the people already present, meaning something like "hey guys, what are you currently doing/planning to do? Translation for 'Was geht ab?' So, it's actually a quite literal translation of "what's happening?". Many translated example sentences containing "was geht ab" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. You're not supposed to understand everything literally.Imagine doing the same with English. was geht? I was gonna mention 'down' until I saw your very last comment! English words for geht include go, walk, leave, move, go down and quit. [ugs.] [7] Der Weiler Briel bei Rottweil ist im 19. Was only wondering if 'ab' had a similar use in this case. 4.suesse=sweet for a female (girl) not a guy.Suesser=sweet for a guy. Sign up; Sign in Question Yegres. in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, German Language Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, There's also the shortening to "Was geht?" ". Definition of Was geht ab. "Was ist los?" Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'abgehen' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Italian Translation for Was geht ab - English-Italian Dictionary Why the p-value of t.test() is not statistically significant when mean values look really different. If so, what is hidden after "sleep in?". Look up the Dutch to German translation of was geht ab in the PONS online dictionary. Definition of Was geht ab. Suggestions. I need a way in a C preprocessor #if to test if a value will create a 0 size array. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. [7] Die alte Kirche ist im dreißigjährigen Krieg abgegangen. What does Was geht ab mean? commonly used to ask What's new or what the other person is up to. Thanks for contributing an answer to German Language Stack Exchange! However, in this case it is literal, namely the 14th meaning of the verb abgehen: sich abspielen; los seinGebrauch: umgangssprachlichBeispiel: er ist überall zu finden, wo etwas abgeht. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, /r/German is a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 1. ( colloquial, casually) what's up. It's a colloquialism. [5] Diese Musik geht wirklich ab. Unser aktueller Sendeplan: Mo: FLASH & SHORT (STORY) Di: FLASH & SHORT (STORY) Mi: FLASH & ONLINE (& STORY) Do: FLASH & SHORT (STORY) Fr: FLASH & WGA REWIND (& STORY) Sa: REFLECT & COMMUNITY CHECK So: OUTTAKES - Ein Mediakraft Networks Original Channel Basierend auf dem Konzept von Astrid Deinhard-Olsson Visuelle Konzeption: Astrid Deinhard-Olsson Executive Producer: … Translation for 'Was geht?' Practical examples. What is the difference in usage and meaning between “Laune” and “Stimmung”? Proofreader, translator, editor. Why is it called a Four-Poster Bed, and not a Four-Post Bed, Do "sleep in" and "oversleep" mean the same thing? Gehen in a non-personal usage means a personal or non-personal condition, a state of well-being, or similar. Find more German words at! Was geht ab? By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Contextual translation of "was geht" into English. what's goin' on. This means is does not agree with the alleged “subject” (ich, du). The change is simply one of semantics—that is, AD 100 is the same as 100 CE; all that changes is the label. [5] Der Tänzer geht ja richtig ab. The sky/ceiling is up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Toten hosen: "Dead pants," never forget my college German professor telling me that it's used to describe a lame party. Differences between oscilloscope, multimeter, and power supply voltage readings. Retrieved from "… Is ‘I want to meet your enemy’ ambiguous? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. was geht ab translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'get',gent',gents',ghetto', example of use, definition, conjugation, Reverso dictionary Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Translation of "was geht ab" in English. abgehen (class 7 strong, third-person singular present geht ab, past tense ging ab, past participle abgegangen, auxiliary sein) (intransitive) to come off, come loose (intransitive) to set off, set out (intransitive, colloquial) to go down, happen "Veni, vidi, vici" but in the plural form. What's the good word, man? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Unlike many explanations here on quora saying one would really expect a detailed answer about health issues etc. "Was geht ab" is a colloquial question usually asked by someone arriving, addressed to the people already present, meaning something like "hey guys, what are you currently doing/planning to do? and A.D. labels with B.C.E and C.E., meaning “before common era” and “common era,” respectively. If you were to explain 'what's up' to someone you would explain that 'up' in this case means 'going on'. how's it hanging. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ". and as a question, it says, Wie geht(')s (dir, mir, etc.) 1.what is going on.Not really a greeting. Here's what it means. Automatically generated examples in German: "Das erste Oktoberwochenende ist angebrochen.Doch was geht am heutigen Samstag? Contextual translation of "was geht ab" from German into Albanian. [Da ist etwas los.] It is also a place to discuss the language at large and for the kinds of submissions that elaborate on the reasons why we're interested in German, where they're not geographically specific like /r/DE, /r/Austria or /r/Switzerland. Bei den X-treme Racers, der höchsten und schnellsten Achterbahn des Parks, geht mit bis zu 60 km/h die Post ab-in allen Höhen- und Seitenlagen bis zu 16 m über der Erde! With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … share. Ich denke, es geht auch um die Glaubwürdigkeit der Union und insbesondere des Parlaments. 30666860) für u. a. Waren und Dienstleistungen der Klassen 9, 38 und 42, eingetragene deutsche Wortmarke „G-mail … und die Post geht richtig ab“ (Nr. we're off. Im Widerspruchsverfahren entgegengehaltenes Marken- oder Zeichenrecht: Deutsche Wortmarke „G-mail“ (Nr. Not to strangers. "Was geht ab" is a colloquial question usually asked by someone arriving, addressed to the people already present, meaning something like "hey guys, what are you currently doing/planning to do?". in German and I give you different forms to answer this question. How can I force a slow decryption on the browser? "Es geht mir gut" (I am well physically/mentally) "Es geht mir finanziell gut" (Financially, I am faring well) "Es geht mir gar nicht gut" (I am not well at all) Secondly, if you ask someone how they are and they reply "Es geht", then it means they are not actually well, but are feeling "meh". "Das geht ab" is used, when you want to say, that something is very entertaining. German-English Dictionary: Translation for Was geht ab What is the difference between Bildschirm and Monitor? What's the purpose or meaning behind having ab at the end or am I getting the translation wrong? 28 Dec 2016. Literally translated would it mean "That goes ex", but analogous does it mean "That goes … Enjoy your time on /r/German! Having a bit of trouble understanding the 'ab' part and google provides no answers. [8] Wenn ich eines Tages abgehe, will ich … How's it hanging? Learn the translation for ‘geht\x20so’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. Something like that would work. Examples translated by humans: djema!, Ç'kemi!, Çthotë?, si dukesh?, tamam aty!, Çfarë kaaa. Difference between “brechen” and “zerbrechen”, Difference between “jmdm. What is the difference between “schmeichelhaft” and “schmeichlerisch”? ", asked when you meet someone an see that person's concerned or troubled face or you sense in other ways that something is bothering him/her. German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. Put on your skis and off you go to your skiing holidaysin Lech am Arlberg! 3.Na=is not really a greeting at all.Gruess dich or hallo is better to say to friends. I think that this is also about the credibility of the Union and, in particular, Parliament. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers.

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