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What did the Commission think might be a solution for the "gulf of ignorance?". Industrialization is a transformation away from an agricultural- or resource-based economy, toward an economy based on mass manufacturing. Will join together and form the Populous Party. The Daily Dish October 4, 2010. Flashcards. Chief amongst them (muckrakers) was Ida M. Tarbell. a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale. Who were the people who called Progressives? Such a gulf, the report concluded, is "one of the most serious problems of industrial relations" and a "convincing argument" for why labor unions should be allowed and encouraged. industrialized. He was the founder of US Steel. President of Yugoslavia who initiated a policy of ethnic cleansing against Bosnian Muslims, Croats, and Albanians. a condition in which countries have strong economic ties and depend on each other for resources, technology, trade, and investment, -the use of violence by groups against civilians to achieve a political or religious goal. While many would imagine South Korea as a factory that produces only nuclear weapons and missiles, it is not the entire fact. The European Union has developed extensive environmental assessment review procedures. The bomb fatally wounded several policemen. In retaliation, the police opened fire. 17 examples: Truly enough, these shifts were accepted by the modern middle class as… STUDY. Start studying Industrialization. Choose from 218 different sets of Newly Industrialized Country flashcards on Quizlet. Map of Least Developed Countries : Least developed countries tend to be concentrated in areas with ongoing conflict, a high rate of natural distasters, or industries that are vulnerable to climate instability. The nation state is a But it got even worse. Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, And Democratic. The nation, on the other hand, is the people.The nation is created by a shared belief that the people inside a country are connected to each other. Spies, Fielden, and some who weren't even at the rally. This is usually short term. But prior to the Industrial Revolution, the British textile business was a true “cottage industry,” with the work performed in small workshops or even homes by individual spinners, weavers and dyers. PLAY. The reason "our race furnishes so large a share of the convicts," declared Ida B. In contrast, the industrialized nation definition requires a diversified economy with a nationwide industrial base. Gravity. He was a ruthless businessman. What had fliers announcing the rally urged those attending to do? What issue was a major concern to many reformers? A person who believes in communal ownership and redistribution of wealth, as opposed to capitalism. Don't worry - you're not alone! avenging strikers seized control of the region. no one saw who threw the bomb. Employees afraid of losing their jobs, What issues did politicians and other crusaders address as they began working to solve the. to convert to the ideals, methods, aims, etc., of industrialism. These countries possess the ability to exercise control over other countries or groups of countries with several kinds of power such as military, economic, and political power. How did avenging strikers respond to the massacre? USA, Western Europe Why did wealthy industrialists, such as John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Andrew Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Cornelius Vanderbilt face public resentment? How was the Gilded Ages exactly what its name implied? Or put more concisely, WEIRD. President Woodrow Wilson sent federal troops to restore order. After taking his annual salary of $50,000 Carnegie proposed to "spend the surplus each year for benevolent purposes. The Mugwumps were Republicans who refused to support fellow Republican James G. Blaine as candidate for president, instead supporting the Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the 1884 election. Reformers who worked for better social conditions, especially in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Or put more concisely, WEIRD. He was tried for war crimes. a nation with a relatively low level of material well-being newly industrialized country a less developed country that has made great progress toward developing its economy after the bloody 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia, Americans once again became fearful of socialists. . Colonialism describes the ability and power of industrialized and advanced nations to effectively rob their own colonies of valuable resources like labor or natural elements and minerals. Industrial warfare is a period in the history of warfare ranging roughly from the early 19th century and the start of the Industrial Revolution to the beginning of the Atomic Age, which saw the rise of nation-states, capable of creating and equipping large armies, navies, and air forces, through the process of industrialization.. to introduce industry into (an area) on a large scale. What resulted from the 1909 Justice Department suit of Standard Oil under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? A few years later the Colored Farmers' National Alliance and Cooperative Union was formed. How many people died in the Ludlow Massacre? and some saw another that read, "Arm yourselves and appear in full force!". Test. Here's why it's an important acronym: Witnesses for the prosecution and the defense refuted each other in almost every detail. They opposed the patronage system prevalent in politics, in which supporters of candidates were rewarded for their loyalty with government jobs. Thus, the definition of LDCs is more rigid than the definition of developing/industrializing and developed/industrialized countries. To what does the term tenant farmers refer? They destroyed company towns, killed company employees, and pinned down the militia in their camps. The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban. The state provided the labor, and employers, like railroad and mining companies, provided food, clothing, and shelter. They used suicide bombing tactics, ongoing conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan between Arab and non-Arab ethnic groups. Some believe in the violent overthrow of existing government. Who was Ida M. Tarbell and what did she expose in a series of articles published in McClure's Magazine? It hasn’t been long enough since South Korea b… Though these capitalists helped bring order and innovation to growing industries, public opinion began to shift against the large companies and their monopolies. Industrialized Nation. Industrialized Nation. A developed country, industrialized country (or post-industrial country), more developed country (MDC), or more economically developed country (MEDC), is a sovereign state that has a developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less industrialized nations. technicians, and the educated in 1975, Chechnya wanted independence from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Why could employers demand longer hours for lower pay? The Commission on Industrial Relations reported that there existed a "gulf of ignorance, which can be explained only by indifference" between officials of the company and the conditions of the miners. Learn. "6 And he did. The category of newly industrialized country, newly industrialized economy (NIE) or middle income country is a socioeconomic classification applied to several countries around the world by political scientists and economists. Post-Industrialized Countries when an industrialized nation relies less on manufacturing and production and instead, on the service sector industry, information, and research ex. In fact, a growth of a country is directly proportional to the growth of its nationwide industry. 3 Reasons the U.S. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived on farms or in small, rural communities. Industrialized Nation Definition. labor unions should be allowed and encouraged. Debs was briefly jailed for criticizing the United States. A Sri Lankan terrorist group fighting for an independent Tamil homeland. As the last speaker, Samuel Fielden, stepped down, an explosion rocked the square. Industrialized nations have carried the implementation of EIA to the greatest extent, and highly developed systems are found in Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands. Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were responsible. They resorted to terrorist attacks including car bombings. Confused? He cut prices aggressively to drive out the competition. This organization was a educational and social organization, but under the leadership of Oliver Kelley, this organization began to lobby state and federal governments for legislation that would protect farmers from the effects of big business. Thanks in part to its damp climate, ideal for raising sheep, Britain had a long history of producing textiles like wool, linen and cotton. The Industrial Revolution greatly impacted the world, by increasing output in a more efficient manner and improving the quality of life for the people in industrialized nations. Sharecroppers were tenant farmers who leased land and tools, earning a share of the crop instead of wages, but often it just seemed that there were no profits to share when the crops came in. Take a deep breath and relax. In 1909 the Justice Department sued Standard Oil under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Led to a refugee problem in neighboring Chad, Leader of the Khmer Rouge that wanted to create a rural agricultural communist society in Cambodia by killing government officials. An unofficial nationalist military force seeking independence for Ireland from Great Britain. Some ninety percent of convicts were African Americans. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Industrialized country definition: a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Key Concepts: Terms in this set (50) How was the Gilded Ages exactly what its name implied? Lauren_Helmen. Newly industrialized country (NIC), country whose national economy has transitioned from being primarily based in agriculture to being primarily based in goods-producing industries, such as manufacturing, construction, and mining, during the late 20th and early 21st centuries.An NIC also trades more with other countries and has a higher standard of living than developing countries. August Spies, A. R. Parsons, Adolph Fischer and George Engel were EXECUTED ON THE SCAFFOLD. The more common name of the Patrons of Husbandry—this organization was formed in 1867 as a support system for struggling western farmers. (ɪnˈdʌstrɪəˌlaɪzd ˈkʌntrɪ) noun. Map of Least Developed Countries : Least developed countries tend to be concentrated in areas with ongoing conflict, a high rate of natural distasters, or industries that are vulnerable to climate instability. Ten men—all outspoken socialists and anarchists—were charged with conspiracy and murder. According to Ida B. The World Trade Organization - an international body that enforces agreements that reduce barriers to international trade. Henry Demarest Lloyd believed that "The time has come to face the fact that the forces of capital and industry have outgrown the forces of the government. Which Socialist leaders were arrested the day after the bombing? When monopolies succeed, the people fail; when a rich criminal escapes justice, the people are punished; when a legislature is bribed, the people are cheated.". Favorite Answer. Created by. This brings us to an important category that is, the top 10 most industrialized countries. In a series of articles published in McClure's Magazine, she exposed Rockefeller's ruthless business practices. Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms. Muslim Chechen rebels began using terrorists tactics on Russia. How was work done before the Industrial Revolution and how did the Industrial Revolution. Machines made products and people, as cheap laborers, only kept the machines running. In September 1972, a Palestinian terrorist organization held Israeli athletes hostage and killed eleven of them. In 1870 their small refinery had grown into the industry- dominating Standard Oil Company, with Rockefeller as the president. A negative term for a union member who refuses to go on strike or someone who works in place of striking workers; a strikebreaker. Jacob A. Riis took his camera into New York City to document How the Other Half Lives. Collaborative Dictionary English Cobuild. Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions. If one sector of the economy fares poorly in a given year, season or quarter, gains in other sectors prevent economic collapse. Spell. an industrialized nation with a well-developed economy Developing Nation a nation that has not gone through the process of industrialization and mainly relies on agriculture and exporting raw materials To many, that was enough. Employers had lots of people wanting work, so they could demand more—longer hours for lower pay. A newly industrialized country (NIC) is at a point of economic development that is past that of a developing country but not yet at the point of a highly developed nation. Core countries control and profit the most from the world system, and thus they are the "core" of the world system. Terms of the contract were often harsh and unfairly favored the landowners, keeping the sharecroppers in practical slavery. Factory owners often hired new laborers eager for work, and many hired their own armed security forces to intimidate anyone who stood in their way. In 1898 Carnegie wrote down his principles in a letter to himself that he called his "Gospel of Wealth." Mugwumps opposed the patronage system prevalent in politics, in which supporters of candidates were rewarded for their loyalty with government jobs. Throughout the next decade, the Standard Oil Company, with Rockefeller at the helm, out- maneuvered its competition. What would a person believe who would be labeled a socialist? Rockefeller and other wealthy industrialists, such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Andrew Mellon, J.P. Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt, faced public resentment for amassing great wealth through what many considered unethical business practices. industrialized country in British English. What were the bread-and-butter objectives that some workers attempted to achieve by, higher wages, fewer hours, and better working conditions, Why were most attempts to use union organization unsuccessful until the twentieth. He quietly acquired rival companies, establishing a near monopoly on oil. They also make the laws.". These kinds of organizations became an increasingly important political voice in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. See also: industrialize, industrialise, industrial, industrialism. A new kind of investigative reporter. When you gild an object you put a thin layer of gold over some inexpensive core, such as wood or lead. He became one of the greatest American philanthropists of all time. In contrast, the industrialized nation definition requires a diversified economy with a nationwide industrial base. A farmer who works land that is owned by someone else and pays rent in the form of cash or a share of his crops. Other terms used to describe semi-periphery countries include sub-imperial and semi-industrial. Why had a crowd of thousands gathered in Haymarket Square in Chicago on the evening of, A crowd of thousands was gathered in Haymarket Square in Chicago, in part to support the movement for an eight-hour workda. Why did the Federal Commission on Industrial Relations believe John D. Rockefeller, Jr. . Workers who migrate to the more developed countries of Northern and Western Europe, usually from Southern of Eastern Europe or from North Africa, in search of higher-paying jobs. The Grange Movement began in 1867 as farmers banded together for common economic and political interest. Match. Those who search out and expose real or possible abuses by politicians or businesses. The practice by political officeholders of appointing their followers or fellow party members to positions in return for their loyalty. They belonged to a movement we call populism—they were of the people. When we talk about the nation state, we are really talking about three separate things: the nation, the state, and the nation state. Write. Developing nation definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Increasingly, big business and its leaders were held up to public scrutiny and the public insisted on change. One flier was titled "Revenge!" Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. While these nations are by no means on the level of the stated world powers, they are able to exert influence over the weaker nations of the impoverished Fourth World. The Industrial Revolution changed all that. Southern state governments contributed state "resources" in the form of convict labor—state prisoners leased out to businesses. When you gild an object you put a thin layer of gold over some inexpensive core, such as wood or lead. The court ordered Standard Oil to break apart and form thirty-four separate, competing companies, thus ending the dominance of Standard Oil. Industrialized nation is a nation with the capacity to mass produce commodities through factories. He took his own savings, borrowed a thousand dollars from his father (with interest), and began his own wholesaling business with partner Maurice B. Clark. ethic conflicts in the Horn of Africa mainly between Eritreans and Ethiopians. North American Free Trade Agreement; allows open trade between US, Mexico, and Canada. In what ways did things eventually improve for workers? He built libraries and colleges and cultural institutions in communities across America and the world. Wells, what was the reason that ninety percent of convicts in the New South were African Americans? Examples of industrialized nation in a sentence, how to use it. Newly industrialized country (NIC), country whose national economy has transitioned from being primarily based in agriculture to being primarily based in goods-producing industries, such as manufacturing, construction, and mining, during the late 20th and early 21st centuries.An NIC also trades more with other countries and has a higher standard of living than developing countries. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the word came to mean an often filthy and overcrowded building of small apartments. The articles were published together as The History of Standard Oil in 1904 and contributed greatly to the U.S. Justice Department's case against the monopoly. labor leader Mary Harris Jones, "Mother Jones," who had helped organize the striking miners and had even served jail time for her role as an agitator in the conflict. When one person, organization, or country is the only one who owns or controls something, or is the only source of a product or service. Industrialized nation definition: a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples an industrialized nation with a well-developed economy, a nation that has not gone through the process of industrialization and mainly relies on agriculture and exporting raw materials, caused by industrialization and a rapid population growth, people who flee to another country to escape conflict. How many men were charged with conspiracy and murder and what did they all have in. ing. Someone who believes that government is unnecessary, and that people should be able to live together in liberty without any organized authority. Colonialism describes the ability and power of industrialized and advanced nations to effectively rob their own colonies of valuable resources like labor or natural elements and minerals. Three years later, in 1911 the Supreme Court upheld the decision of a lower court and agreed that Standard Oil had an unfair monopoly on oil that did not allow for fair competition. To what does the word philanthropists refer? What conditions in Colorado mines led to a year long strike and the massacre at Ludlow, the mines were dangerous, the pay was low, and the company stores kept them in perpetual debt. The previous day, unarmed workers had been killed in a clash with strikebreakers and police. Industrialization, the process of converting to a socioeconomic order in which industry is dominant. If one sector of the economy fares poorly in a given year, season or quarter, gains in other sectors prevent economic collapse. Industrialized nation definition: a country characterized by industry on an extensive scale | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Eventually became the book "How the Other Half Lives. in BRIT, also use industrialised An industrialized area or place is one which has a lot of industries. Instead of relieving the distress of the poor and working class, the government supported private wealth by limiting the rights of workers and denying the working class—particularly African Americans—a voice in government. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Definition. In 1876 a group of Texas farmers formed the Farmer's Alliance. But the accused were social and political radicals—they had been advocating drastic change and violence to bring about that change. . Learn Newly Industrialized Country with free interactive flashcards. South Korea was once a devastated country that withered away in the continuous state of civil war. The Daily Dish October 4, 2010. How did the government respond to the exploitation of sharecroppers, tenant farmers, and other workers in the "New South?". He was a muckraker (an investigative reporter) and a photographer. Look it up now! Industrialisation (or industrialization) is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial society.This involves an extensive re-organisation of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing. Industrial definition is - of or relating to industry.

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